Definition: A signal that changes any value in a paricular range will be an Analog Signal.It will changes in amplitude and time.for example sine wave.Built in two stages on and off, it is called Digital will chages in different amplitude.for example,square wave.
Introduction: Analog and digital means the digit of 1and 0.analog circuits to used in radio receiver,amplifire etc.and the digital circuits to use in calculater, computer etc.
Analog signals are in invisible situations.and its waveform is,radio signals,mobile network signals,analog watch,analog multimeter etc. Its value is not fixed.
Digital signals waveform are in square wave is a visible digital watch,digital multimeter etc.its value is fixed.
Crystal: Use crystal in circuits to convert the signal analog into digital and digital into analog. Analog and digital signals are check in CRO(cathode ray oscilloscope)machine.signals frequency is in heartz.
Advantages and Disadvantages of digital system over analog system:
1.The accurancy of the digital system is much higher than that of the analog system.
2. The digital system is much easier to understand than the analog system.
3. The digital system works very sensitively compared to the analog system.
4. Digital systems are very easy to design compared to the analog system.
5. In the digital systems are most important think is store to information very easily compared to the analog systems.
6. Digital system noise is seamless.
7. The life expectancy of digital systems is high.
8. The digital system is low in cost as well as in weight.
9. Digital system is small in size.
10. Digital circuit is with good dencity can be build into a chip.
Disadvantages of digital systems compared to analog systems:
1. Digital systems only work on square wave.the resulting sine or trangular wave conversion takes care.
2. With the digital system physical components cannot be measured. At that the downfall of the analog is noticeable.
For example,When measuring temperature in a digital thermometer, calculate the temperature by analog.
Number systems: with the use of digital circuits computer,calculater,counter etc to perform arithmetic functions the next four nomber systems are used.
1.Decimal nomber system
2.Binary nomber system
3.Octal nomber system
4.Hexadecimal nomber system.